Author and Public Speaking Coach Gigi Rosenberg joins Martheya to talk about the elevator speech. They discuss tips for crafting the perfect elevator pitch, why it’s important, and how social media is influencing the dance world. (37:08)
[0:12] Martheya says welcome back
[0:57] Topic: Get to kNOw Gigi and Finding Confidence
[1:54] Martheya asks: “As stated in your book The Artist’s Guide to Grant Writing (pg 137) an elevator pitch is “the few sentences that roll off your tongue at a moment’s notice that describe you and your work.” To start our conversation I would love it if you can give us your elevator speech to introduce yourself and your career in Public Speaking?”
[3:26] Martheya asks: “How do you think about confidence?”
[7:50] Topic: Components of an Elevator Speech & When to Use It
[7:50] Martheya asks: “What are components that you think make a good elevator speech?”
[8:57] Martheya asks: “How do you know what’s important to bring up to different people? What are important elements to bring to the surface depending on who you are talking with?”
[11:35] Martheya asks: “How do you approach networking?”
[15:07] Martheya asks: “When is the appropriate time to do your elevator pitch?”
[16:11] Martheya asks: “Who needs an elevator pitch?”
[16:46] Topic: Why You Need an Elevator Pitch
[16:46] Martheya asks: “Can you talk about why having an elevator speech is important?”
[19:02] Martheya asks: “Can you talk about some elevator speech you have heard (that are great examples)?”
[20:50] Topic: Elevator Pitch Tips & Tricks
[20:50] Martheya asks: “Do you have tips for artists who are trying to become more clear and articulate (when making their elevator speech)?”
[22:39] Martheya asks: “How do you find the balance between conversational and academic language?”
[24:38] Martheya asks: “Let’’s say we have our ‘perfect’ elevator speech. What do we do after that?”
[26:23] Martheya asks: “What is the outcome of having an elevator speech?”
[27:16] Martheya asks: “Can you talk about what confidence can look like in body language?”
[27:16] Martheya asks: “Is there anything we haven’t talked about yet that you want to share with our listeners?”
Questions from kNOwBOX dance Archive
[29:51] Martheya asks: “Do you think social media is influencing the dance world? If so, how does it influence your work?”
[31:19] Martheya asks: “How do you say NO to the BOX (think outside the box)?”
[32:46] Martheya asks:
1- If you had to recommend a resource to our audience what would it be?
[33:25] Martheya asks:
2- What was the first dance you saw?
The Alvin Ailey School in New York City
[34:16] Martheya asks:
3- Do you think social media has a positive influence on the dance world (yes or no)?
[34:39] Martheya asks:
4- What is your favorite social media platform?
LinkedIn and YouTube
Recommended Resources:
Connect with Gigi Rosenberg

Gigi Rosenberg teaches leaders and rising stars how to get standing ovations. A published author in pubs like Psychology Today and Publisher’s Weekly, Gigi is also skilled at helping clients streamline their content and use storytelling to captivate the audience. With credentials as a guest commentator on Oregon Public Radio and a theater performer in New York City at the United Solo Theatre Festival, Gigi also knows exactly how to elevate public speaking presence and energize delivery. Introverts and extroverts alike benefit from Gigi’s insight. Her specialty is turning fear on its
head, so that both leaders and team members deliver presentations with authority, clarity and a sense of warmth. Visit her at
Headshot by Chelsea Petrakis.

Firstborn, Pictured: Gigi Rosenberg, Photo by Chelsea Petrakis