On this episode your co-host Azaria interviews dance teacher, choreographer, ethnographer, and filmmaker with a focus on dances of the African diaspora, Dr. Ojeya Cruz Banks. On this episode, we talk about what Black dance signifies, the importance of cultural context and dance world view, research via social media conversations, and how dance is represented and conceptualized in the media.
[1:16] Azaria introduces Ojeya Cruz Banks
[2:46]Azaria asks: “How would you describe your career? How did you get where you are today?”
[7:36]Azaria asks: “What is the space you are in now?”
[8:44]Azaria asks: “What is the relationship of social media to your creation process and career?”
[9:27]Azaria asks: “Can you talk about how you use your dance films to speak to the ideas of lineage, community, spirituality, and the African diaspora?”
[12:35]Azaria asks: “What drew you to your research on YouTube star Parris Goebel? Can you tell our audience about your research?”
[18:16] Azaria asks:
1- If you had to recommend a resource to our audience what would it be?
Book- Dance on screen: genres and media from Hollywood to experimental art by Sherril Dodds
“a dialogue was produced that really inspired me”, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sherril-Dodds-Dance-Screen-Experimental/dp/B00RWOG22M
2- What was the first dance you saw?
“the chacha...in my grandmother's living room”
3- Do you think social media has a positive influence on the dance world (yes or no)?
“I don’t think it’s black or white there are advantages and disadvantages”
4- What is your favorite social media platform?
Facebook “I’m on Facebook more...I love/hate relationship”
#OjeyaCruzBanks Recommended Resources
Artist- Barbea Williams, https://www.facebook.com/barbea.williams
Artist- Donald Eno Washington, http://archives.nypl.org/scm/20816
Artist- Katherine Dunham, http://kdcah.org/katherine-dunham-biography/
Artist- Lela Aisha Jones, https://www.flygroundera.com/
Artist- Parris Goebel, https://www.youtube.com/user/BGPOPA
Artist- Orville Hall, https://www.instagram.com/orvillexpressionz/?hl=en
Book- Choreographing Copyright, https://www.amazon.com/dp/0199360375/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_R.gxDbRHSTJG7
Book- Dance on screen: genres and media from Hollywood to experimental art by Sherril Dodds, https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sherril-Dodds-Dance-Screen-Experimental/dp/B00RWOG22M
Dance Film- Tåno/Land by Ojeya Cruz Banks, https://vimeo.com/148156524
Dance Film- Original Spaces by Ojeya Cruz Banks, https://www.flygroundera.com/original-spaces--2017.html
Residency- Jacob’s Pillow Lab, https://www.jacobspillow.org/programs/opportunities-for-artists/pillow-lab/
University- Denison University, https://denison.edu/academics/dance
University- University of Arizona, https://dance.arizona.edu/
Connect with Dr. Ojeya Cruz Banks:
Facebook- @OjeyaCruzBanks
Website: Denison University