Alexander (Alex) Whitley, an award-winning choreographer whose pioneering work with digital technology has placed him at the forefront of innovation in contemporary dance, joins Martheya to talk about Interdisciplinary Collaboration. They discuss motion tracking, collaboration, and dance in the digital landscape . (39:36)
[0:12] Martheya says welcome back
[0:44] Topic: Getting to kNOw Alex Whitley
[1:03] Martheya asks: “Can you start us off by talking about what those emerging digital technologies were at the time when you created the company?”
[2:06] Topic: The Creative Process & The Digital Landscape
[3:06] Martheya asks: “How do you approach selecting which type of motion tracking that you intend to use for specific projects?”
[8:37] Martheya asks: “How do you approach the collaborative process?”
[14:02] Martheya asks: “In your company, you use technology to essentially extend the reach of the moving body, which makes me wonder, do you start with movement first, like with the dance first and then the technology kind of enhances or amplifies that movement?”
[19:48] Topic: Dance in the Digital Landscape
[19:48] Martheya asks: “What is the digital studio offering?”
[27:32] Martheya asks: “Why do you think dance needs to exist in this digital landscape?”
[34:25] Martheya asks:
1- If you had to recommend a resource to our audience what would it be?
[34:50] Martheya asks:
2- What was the first dance you saw?
It was one of Fred Astaire's films
[35:00] Martheya asks:
3- Do you think social media has a positive influence on the dance world (yes or no)?
[35:12] Martheya asks:
4- What is your favorite social media platform?
Recommended Resources:
Connect with Alexander Whitley Dance Company
Instagram: @whitleydanceco
Facebook: /WhitleyDanceCo
Twitter/X: @whitleydanceco

Alexander Whitley is an award-winning choreographer whose pioneering work with digital technology has placed him at the forefront of innovation in contemporary dance. His multi-disciplinary practice, focusing on the use of motion-tracking and interactive technology, spans stage, installation, film, and immersive platforms.
Founding Alexander Whitley Dance Company in 2014, his productions, created in collaboration with studios such as Marshmallow Laser Feast, The Guardian VR and HTC Vive Arts, have toured theatres around the UK and internationally and have been presented at London Film Festival, SXSW, Mediale and Romaeuropa amongst others.